Endgame Training Course

Estate Planning for Peace of Mind

Guest Author: Dr. Carolyn Dresler

After recently retiring from income-producing work, I found myself revising my will.   I still volunteer my time for causes of importance to me, like ASH.  So, while I was working on my will, I was similarly thinking about those causes that are important to me to support.

I was thinking about my legacy, but mostly I thought about the work I currently support, and my hope for that important work to continue when I die and no longer need my retirement money that I am living on now.

I am hesitant to give away my retirement funds as I need them to live on now.  BUT, once I don’t need them, I want them to support work I’m passionate about!

So, I chose my most important non-profits, including ASH because I can’t wait to see them help more jurisdictions phase out the sale of cigarettes, and I put them into my will.  I’ve not donated funds to all of the listed organizations while alive, but they are the organizations I want to support when I am gone.

It is so very easy to do. And having a plan provides so much peace of mind.

For me, the easiest method was to list ASH as one of the beneficiaries for my investments, retirement or annuity funds.  Done!  Another option is to add a short, simple paragraph into the will itself declaring how much or what percentage you want to give to ASH.

That really is all there is to it.

Of course, you can support ASH with donations now, as I do as well. But you can also give to ASH after you have died, having a lasting legacy for public health.  The amount or percentage isn’t what’s important, it the security to know your hard-earned money is going to support the causes that are most important to you.



If you have questions about how to include ASH in your estate planning, you can call Nichelle Gray at (202) 659 – 4310, Monday to Friday from 9:00am – 5:00pm Eastern, or email her at hq@ash.org.

You can also visit ASH’s Planned Giving webpage for estate planning options and our EIN.