WASHINGTON, DC (Aug. 7, 2012)
Action on Smoking & Health (ASH) will address global health governance issues impacting the tobacco related epidemic at the National Conference on Tobacco or Health that opens in Kansas City, Wed Aug. 15. The Conference—held every 18 months—brings together researchers, advocates and regulatory officials from all over the United States to share their work and ideas on the next steps in their common fight against tobacco.
ASH will be focusing attendees’ attention on the growing global nature of the tobacco epidemic and how events overseas impact our efforts here at home including:
- How the U.S. is falling behind on tobacco control
- FCTC Implementation
- The NCD Summit and global tobacco control
- Graphic tobacco warning labels around the world compared to U.S. measures
- Industry interference in tobacco policy
- The impact of globalization on the tobacco epidemic
For more information on the National Conference on Tobacco or Health, visit TobaccoControlConference.org.