Endgame Training Course

Action Review: Second Quarter 2023

Tobacco Industry Lobbyists Undermine Public Health

“There is an irreconcilable conflict between the goals of tobacco companies and the goals of public health,” said Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy, Managing Attorney at ASH.

“We must exclude tobacco companies from regulating their own products, as the global tobacco treaty, the FCTC, recommends.  Where that’s not possible, we must shine a light on the tobacco industry representatives and ensure their ‘advice’ is ignored.”

Learn more about who is lobbying FOR tobacco in your state so you can shine a light on them>

Sample social media posts and graphics are available for your use here>




Tobacco NewsMore Harm Than Good: Why cigarette filters should be eliminated from the commercial cigarette market


Act with ASH

Tobacco products remain the #1 preventable cause of death in the U.S. and around the world.

And the tobacco industry is fighting harder than ever to weaken public health policies and increase their profits.

With your help, ASH can remain at the forefront to protect you and your loved ones from the harm caused by the tobacco industry. It’s grueling work, but it’s the only way to end the tobacco epidemic. Please consider making a donation today to sustain our work.

ASH accepts donations of stock, crypto, credit card, PayPal, Venmo, GooglePay, Apple Pay, and Donor Advised Funds.

Thank you for making our work possible.