Endgame Training Course



WCTOH – Tobacco and Human Rights

Written by Laurent Huber, Executive Director of Action on Smoking & Health and WCTOH Advisory Board Member 25 February 2021 In addition to being a Development challenge, the tobacco epidemic is also increasingly being identified as an obstacle to achieving human rights objectives that have been recognized at the highest

Global Mechanisms – The United Nations

This global mechanisms section encompasses official documents including resolutions, statements, letters, and more that pertain to tobacco control and human rights at the international level, but do not fall under a human rights treaty body. UN Statements, Resolutions and Declarations Relevant to Tobacco Control and Human Rights UN Statements on

Recap of ASH’s progress in 2018

We hope you’ve had a healthy and happy 2018. Here at ASH, it’s been a productive year. One thing we are very proud of is how much our small staff of 6 people accomplishes. We wanted to share with you some of our achievements this year and the fantastic team

Declaración de Cape Town sobre derechos humanos y un mundo libre de tabaco

Para iniciar sesión, envíe el nombre y el logotipo de su organización a HQ@ash.org. Las personas pueden registrarse aquí. Vea algunas fotos de nuestro stand fotográfico WCTOH aquí. In English | En Français Nosotros, participantes de la 17º Conferencia Mundial sobre Tabaco o Salud, reunión de Cape Town, Sudáfrica, del 7 al 9

A World Without Tobacco Deaths

Statement from Executive Director Laurent Huber Contact: Megan Arendt, (202) 659 – 4310 WASHINGTON, DC – MAY 30, 2018 – Tomorrow is World No Tobacco Day, a day when we remind ourselves of the epidemic of disease and death that the tobacco industry continues to cause. The vision of a

Cape Town Declaration on Human Rights and a Tobacco-Free World

Tobacco is increasingly being recognized globally as a human rights challenge. This is reflected by the Cape Town Declaration on Human Rights being adopted by the World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH), the International Conference of the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP), and the Asia Pacific

Cape Town Declaration on Human Rights and a Tobacco-free World

To sign on, email your organization's name and logo to HQ@ash.org. Individuals can sign on here. See some photos from our WCTOH declaration photo booth here. Read Press Release here. Read Declarations from the 16th WCTOH in Abu Dhabi, UAE in 2015> En Español | En Français Read the PDF Cape Town Declaration

Philip Morris International Pretends to Care

Philip Morris International announced today that they have pledged $1 billion to work towards a smoke-free world. Some are inclined to greet this announcement with applause; but this venture should instead be viewed with a critical eye and a healthy amount of skepticism. PMI’s financial contribution created a new organization

ASH participates in the World Conference on Tobacco or Health 2015

This week, several representatives of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) will be attending the World Conference on Tobacco or Health in Abu Dhabi. WCTOH is a five-day scientific conference where presenters highlight the latest developments in tobacco control and the efforts around the world to reduce tobacco use. This