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Social Media

Below are images and videos for use on social media. Please use them to share your support for addressing tobacco control through a human rights lens by posting these resources and tagging ASH on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @ASHorg and on Facebook @ASHglobalAction. Also, consider using the hashtags #TobaccoViolation and #HumanRights to share the message with a broader audience.    Images

The Human Rights Council and Universal Periodic Review

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is a United Nations (UN) body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world. While there have been a limited number of resolutions that are directly relevant to tobacco control, there are many others that could support a human rights based

Remembering our core mission: reducing death and disease

By Laurent Huber, Executive Director The tobacco control community is at a crossroads. The evidence in unequivocal: the most widely consumed nicotine delivery product, combustible cigarettes, an addictive and lethal product, kills more than 7 million people every year, and this number is still rising. The tobacco control community was

95 Health Groups to Philip Morris International: Stop Selling Cigarettes

WASHINGTON, D.C. – SEPTEMBER 14, 2017 – Today, 95 organizations from around the globe published an open letter to Philip Morris International (PMI) demanding that they immediately cease the production, marketing and sale of cigarettes. The move was prompted by a similar recommendation from the Danish Institute for Human Rights,

Open Letter to PMI from 123 Organizations

September 14, 2017 André Calantzopoulos Chief Executive Officer Philip Morris International Avenue de Rhodanie 50 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland   Dear Mr. Calantzopoulos, The undersigned organizations, representing global health, human rights, consumer protection, medical and other organizations, call on you to immediately cease the production, marketing and sale of cigarettes. This

Pepsico, Philip Morris Face Human Rights Resolutions

The resolution urges companies to agree to participate in mediation of any alleged human rights violations if requested by certain governmental agencies identified by the OECD. It calls for the companies to mediate disputes involving, among other things, freedom of association and collective bargaining, the elimination of forced or compulsory

Human Rights Violations

Could tobacco executives/corporations be found guilty of human right violations? ASH is investigating the possibility of holding tobacco corporations responsible for tobacco-related deaths under human rights laws. These charges, for example, a violation of the right to life or right to health, among many others, would be levied against governments

Tobacco & Human Rights in Latin America

An article written by ASH Staff Attorney Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy was recently published in the American Bar Association’s “International Law News.” The article discusses the growing problem of tobacco use in Latin American countries. There are 145 million current smokers in Latin America, more than half of whom will die from