Endgame Training Course


Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy – Webinar on Endgame for Tobacco: The World We Want

ASH Webinar on Endgame for Tobacco: The World We Want June 11, 2020 Statement from Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy, Managing Attorney at ASH I wanted to give you all a quick overview of the tobacco treaty- the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC)


ASH Statement: Dutch Parliament Moves to Drastically Reduce Tobacco Sales

Statement from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Dutch Parliament Moves to Drastically Reduce Tobacco Sales Contact: Megan Arendt arendtm@ash.org (202) 659-4310 THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS – MARCH 3, 2020 – Earlier today, the Dutch House of Representatives passed a bill designed to significantly reduce the number of retail outlets for

New Report Highlights Tobacco Industry Meddling to Weaken Public Health Policy

Media Contact: Megan Arendt arendtm@ash.org (202) 390 – 9513 New Report Highlights Tobacco Industry Meddling to Weaken Public Health Policy The Tobacco (Including Vaping) Industry Cannot be a Stakeholder in Regulating its Products WASHINGTON, D.C. – OCTOBER 9, 2019 – U.S. Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2019, a report published by

Joint Letter to the United Nations Secretary-General

Secretary General António Guterres                                                                                                     19 July 2019 United Nations, S-233 New York, NY 10027   Dear Secretary General Guterres, RE: The role of the tobacco industry in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development We are writing to you regarding a note on the role of the tobacco industry in the

Bucharest Declaration on Human Rights and a Tobacco-Free Europe

This Resolution came out of discussions that began at the Global Forum on Human Rights and a Tobacco-Free World on March 26, 2019 in Bucharest, Romania and continued at the annual European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention’s conference in Bucharest that week. Watch ASH’s video recap of the historic

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the world’s first public health treaty. It was negotiated as the world’s response to the global tobacco epidemic. The FCTC was completed in 2003, and has now been joined by 180 countries and the European Community. Learn More About the FCTC

Academic articles

This is a non-exhaustive list of scholarly writings on the subjects of tobacco control and human rights. General Human Rights Articles What is a Human-Rights Based Approach to Health and does it Matter? 2008- Leslie London A human rights approach to health is critical to address growing global health inequalities.

Using Human Rights Arguments in Litigation

Some advocates have begun using human rights arguments in litigation against the tobacco industry. Below are several cases relevant to human rights, but this list is far from exhaustive of all tobacco litigation. For a much more in depth look at tobacco litigation worldwide, please visit the excellent resource put

Global Mechanisms – The United Nations

This global mechanisms section encompasses official documents including resolutions, statements, letters, and more that pertain to tobacco control and human rights at the international level, but do not fall under a human rights treaty body. UN Statements, Resolutions and Declarations Relevant to Tobacco Control and Human Rights UN Statements on

Recap of ASH’s progress in 2018

We hope you’ve had a healthy and happy 2018. Here at ASH, it’s been a productive year. One thing we are very proud of is how much our small staff of 6 people accomplishes. We wanted to share with you some of our achievements this year and the fantastic team

In memoriam of Dr. Caleb Otto

It is with great sadness that we heard of the passing of our friend, mentor and public health hero, Dr. Caleb Otto, former Ambassador from Palau to the United Nations. Dr. Otto not only did not think we were crazy when we asked him to consider the idea to integrate

ASH: The Big Picture

2017 has been a very exciting year at ASH. We celebrated our 50th anniversary, announced our pivot away from “tobacco control” and towards “cigarette free” and earned numerous victories across each of our programs. As we begin looking forward into 2018 and beyond, we want to share with you how

Statement from ASH Executive Director Laurent Huber on new PMI Foundation

On September 13, a new chapter in the struggle against tobacco began with a surprise announcement. Philip Morris International, a multinational giant and marketer of Marlboro, the world’s most popular cigarette brand, has committed itself to fund a new entity, the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, with just shy of

The U.S. Is Not Living Up to Its Obligation to Protect the Health of Its Citizens

All countries around the world, including the United States, have committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to strengthen universal peace and eradicate poverty.  The harms that tobacco products cause to society are well known. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death,

Global Best Practices

The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco  consumption kills approximately 7 million people per year,[1] and according to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), tobacco costs the world up to two percent of its yearly GDP.[2],[3] In the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control, tobacco causes over 480,000 deaths and

Letter to NYC Council

Honorable Corey Johnson, Chair, Health Committee, New York City Council City Hall, New York, NY 10007 April 25, 2017 Dear Mr. Johnson: I am writing to support the proposed tobacco legislation that will be heard by the Health Committee on April 27. New York City has made extraordinary efforts to

Human Rights Day 2016

December 10th is recognized worldwide as Human Rights Day. It commemorates the anniversary of the day that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. The UDHR and other human rights treaties, both international and regional, protect myriad rights around the world, including

ASH Environmental Webinar Recap

When we think of tobacco, a lot of health issues immediately spring to mind – lung cancer, throat cancer, cardiovascular disease, tooth decay, asthma. But tobacco products also wreak havoc on our environment, a problem that is often overlooked. Tobacco is harmful to the environment throughout the product cycle –

A growing gulf in the terrain of tobacco control

The theme for World No Tobacco Day on May 31, an annual initiative of WHO and the Secretariat of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), is plain packaging of tobacco products. Plain packaging prohibits the use of logos, colours, and promotional labelling on cigarettes and hand-rolled tobacco and gives

June 2016: Matching Campaign

Help ASH participate in the 7th round of the tobacco treaty negotiations in India this November. Every donation made from June 1 – 30, 2016 will be matched by a private donor, up to $2,000. Building on our policy successes at the preceding 6 global negotiation sessions for the Framework

Liability: untapped potential in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

ASH Policy Director Chris Bostic, Richard Daynard, and Tamar Lawrence-Samuel (Corporate Accountability International) shed some light on the untapped potential in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. “Article 19 has similar—if not greater—potential to curb the operations of the industry, and therefore the tobacco epidemic.” Read on>

Does Tobacco Violate Human Rights?

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Megan Arendt Office: 202-659-4310 Email: arendtm@ash.org Does Tobacco Violate Human Rights? Inter-American Commission Ponders Question WASHINGTON, D.C. – April 6, 2016 – The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) heard testimony from experts yesterday on why tobacco should be considered a human rights issue. The thematic