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ASH Scotland Conference: Towards a Generation Free From Tobacco

This engaging and interactive international conference will look at the ideas and actions that will drive us towards a generation free from tobacco – a time when ideally the only people smoking would be the small number of adults who knowingly choose to do so.

  • Speakers from Hong Kong, New Zealand, Uruguay, Finland and Europe will outline the latest thinking on tobacco and health
  • What further steps must we take to cut off tobacco industry marketing?
  • How can we tackle the lingering appeal to young people, and put tobacco firmly out of fashion?
  • What must we do to create an environment that makes tobacco-free the norm? How can we reflect the addictive nature of tobacco and provide flexible support to those for whom quitting is especially difficult?


This conference will bring policy makers, leaders in public health, academics and advocates of tobacco control from across the UK and Europe together with the people who implement smoking related health and tobacco control strategies at local level. Together we will explore a future free from the harm caused by tobacco.

Click Here to view the 2 day conference program>