Endgame Training Course


What Flying Was Like Before the Smoke Cleared

If you think the air travel experience generally stinks now, consider what it was like before smoking was banned on domestic flights 25 years ago. Tracy Sear, a flight attendant with US Airways, was looking over some Facebook posts from colleagues recalling those bad old days when a third or

Florida Bill Seeks to Shield Tobacco Industry from Lawsuits

The powerful cigarette industry reignited Florida’s tobacco wars Wednesday with a one-sentence bill that would strip away the right of thousands of Florida victims from collecting millions in damages…. But for Bob Wilcox, 49, a Miami-Dade police lieutenant in the homicide bureau, the bill is an “outrageous” attempt to shield

England bans smoking in cars with children

Drivers in England will be banned from smoking in their cars if they are carrying children as passengers. The move, which will become law on 1 October, follows a similar ban in Wales and aims to protect young people under 18 from second-hand smoke. Scotland is also considering introducing a

Cambridge increases tobacco purchase age to 21; bans e-cigs from restaurants

The Cambridge City Council passed last week a series of controversial amendments to the Cambridge Tobacco Ordinance, including an increase in the purchase age to 21 years old and limits on smoking in public parks and use of e-cigarettes, our partners at Wicked Local reported Tuesday. The new ordinance won’t

Increasing the Minimum Age

In the past few years, several localities have increased the minimum age to buy tobacco products to 21. The first to increase the minimum sales age to 21 was Needham, MA, a suburb of Boston, in 2005. Following implementation of the law, smoking rates among Needham high-school students dropped almost

California declares electronic cigarettes a health threat

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California health officials Wednesday declared electronic cigarettes a health threat that should be strictly regulated like tobacco products, joining other states and health advocates across the U.S. in seeking tighter controls as “vaping” grows in popularity. The California Department of Public Health released a report saying

Tobacco sale ban for US campus shops

One of the world’s top universities is taking a smoking ban a step further this week, as Stanford University prohibits the sale of tobacco as well as smoking on campus. Campus shops at the Californian university will have to end the sale of all tobacco products from 1 March. Parts

“We Have an Opportunity to Change History”

“Health must become a priority. The time is now,” said global tobacco control advocates in the Framework Convention Alliance video. They emphasize the importance of this year, 2015, and that leaders must raise their ambitions for humanity. They also encourage the general public to stand up and speak out. The

In Our View: Raise Smoking Age to 21

One of the strongest arguments in favor of raising the legal age for tobacco purchases inadvertently comes from the tobacco industry itself. In 1986, in a confidential memo, an executive for Philip Morris wrote, “Raising the legal minimum age for cigarette purchase to 21 could gut our key young-adult market

Why I Fight: Garret Mathews

I watched Mom die from smoking-induced lung cancer. I wrote the piece because I want folks to know that even smoking only a few cigarettes a day can be fatal. You smoke. Oh, not a lot. Seven, maybe 8 a day. Mom was like that. If necessary, you can go

In New Calculus on Smoking, It’s Health Gained vs. Pleasure Lost

WASHINGTON — Rarely has the concept of happiness caused so much consternation in public health circles. Buried deep in the federal government’s voluminous new tobacco regulations is a little-known cost-benefit calculation that public health experts see as potentially poisonous: the happiness quotient. Read More>

New Jersey Senate passes bill to raise age to buy tobacco products to 21

TRENTON, New Jersey — New Jersey might become the first state in the nation to raise the legal age to purchase tobacco products and electronic cigarettes to 21. The state Senate on Monday passed a bill that would raise the minimum age. The measure awaits action in the Assembly. Full

Why Read the ASH Report?

It can be hard for modern Americans to understand the amount of influence and harm US society has suffered as a result of tobacco. It’s easy to see the disconnect, as it has been over five decades since more than ½ of the men and a 1/3 of the women

President Obama’s smoking problem in Malaysia

Malaysia’s government is battling against a smoking epidemic that threatens its young people — and it fears Barack Obama’s big Pacific trade deal will make the health crisis even worse. Read the full Politico article here>

Using Tinder for Good

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Megan Arendt Office: 202-659-4310 Email: arendtm@ash.org Tinder Experiment Tests if Smoking is Hot Would you date a smoker? How about give them a right swipe? Action on Smoking & Health (ASH) has partnered with two New York creatives, Angelle Juneau and Jeff Scardino, to create a

Scary anti-smoking ads prompt 100,000-plus to kick habit

An estimated 1.6 million Americans tried to quit and at least 100,000 likely succeeded as a result of graphic anti-smoking ads, a new study says. Want a smoker to quit? Scare, shock or disgust him. That’s what the U.S. government did with its first federally funded anti-smoking ad campaign and,

Protect Our Children’s Health Petition

ASH Review: Second Quarter Edition 2013 ASH was pleased to help promote the White House Petition campaign of 24 year old Michigan State graduate Greg Holland. His petition sought the protection of children from tobacco smoke while riding in vehicles. Greg began his petition on the White House’s public call

HBO Vice: Tobaccoland

ASH Review: Second Quarter Edition 2013 ASH Deputy Director for Policy Chris Bostic was featured in the HBO Vice program Tobaccoland which aired on May 17th, 2013. The program explores the overwhelming prevalence of the tobacco industry and tobacco use in Indonesia where it is virtually unregulated. More than half

Ireland: a Hero of Tobacco Control

Ireland set to become 2nd country in the world to introduce plain pack cigarettes   “It is with great pleasure that I announce, ahead of World No Tobacco Day on Friday, that I have received Government approval to begin the process of introducing standardised/plain packaging of tobacco products in Ireland.

Women Who Quit Smoking Live Decade More

Women who stop smoking before middle-age live about 10 years longer than women who continue to smoke throughout life, a new study from the United Kingdom finds. Smoking until middle age does reduce lifespan somewhat — women in the study who smoked until age 40 were about 1.2 times more

‘Smoking Will Kill Up to a Billion People’

Smoking, which is described as the biggestpublic health disaster in the history of the world with its perpetrators likened to terrorists, will kill up to a billion people worldwide this century unless governments across the world stamp down on the half-trillion-dollar tobaccoindustry, cancer experts have warned. John Seffrin, chief executive