Action Review: Fourth Quarter 2020


As of January 1st, Beverly Hills and Manhattan Beach, California, became the only jurisdictions in the U.S. to eliminate the sale of commercial tobacco, although other jurisdictions are seriously considering it. Both cities included a phase-out period to allow retailers to adjust and to help people who smoke quit.

“Cigarettes have become so normalized that to some, this might seem like a drastic step,” said Chris Bostic, ASH Policy Director. “But if another product emerged tomorrow that was highly addictive and killed when used as intended, of course, we’d ban its sale. We’d probably charge the people who marketed it with manslaughter too.”

Read our full release here.




Our work to end the tobacco epidemic has never been more crucial as we collectively battle the respiratory COVID-19 pandemic. We need to encourage any and every person who smokes to quit for good, starting now. 1-800-QUIT-NOW remains free and open for all.

As society moves health to the top of our priority list, this is also the time for more communities to begin considering phasing out the sale of commercial tobacco products. Tobacco products remain the #1 cause of preventable death and kill when used exactly as intended. For that reason, they shouldn’t be sold.

If you agree with us and want to see our initiatives expanded to more communities, please make a donation to support ASH’s crucial, life-saving work. With your support, we can prevent hundreds of millions of deaths from tobacco use.

Thank you for making our work possible.