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ASH’s Program of Work – 2021

ASH’s work is based on the principle that the behavior of the tobacco industry, marketing and selling lethal and addictive products, violates human rights.  As such, we carry out 4 key areas of work:

Donate(1) Phasing out the commercial sale of tobacco products (aka Project Sunset),

(2) Using the law to hold the tobacco industry accountable,

(3) Using a human rights approach to advance tobacco control, and

(4) Promoting and strengthening global best practices.

Each program can end the tobacco epidemic on its own, and combined, our programs will chip away at the tobacco industry from every angle to speed up the end of tobacco-related deaths.


Project Sunset: Phasing out the commercial sale of tobacco products

Using the law to hold the tobacco industry accountable for the harm they cause

Liability Program
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Using a human rights approach to advance tobacco control

Human Rights Program
Read more here




Using global norms to move local communities toward a zero tobacco-use prevalence




You play a critical role in our success too. Without your support, much of this wouldn’t have happened. Please make a generous donation today, to bolster our work.
