Endgame Training Course

WNTD 2014 Action

For World No Tobacco Day 2014, we encourage you to thank your Representatives and Senators who are doing their part in the fight against tobacco.

Suggested Tweets:

  • Happy World No Tobacco Day! I’m proud @YOURREPRESENTATIVE is certified by @ASHOrg as free from #tobacco money. #StandWithHealth #WNTD
  • Tobacco industry gives >$1.6 million to fed candidates yearly. Happy my rep @YOURREPRESENATIVE is not one of them! @ASHOrg #StandWithHealth
  • Happy World No Tobacco Day! Congrats @YOURREPRESENTATIVE for being certified by @ASHOrg as free from tobacco money! #StandWithHealth #WNTD


Suggested Email

Dear Senator/ Representative:

Congratulations on being certified “Free From Tobacco Money” by Action on Smoking on Health. I am writing to thank you for doing your part in the fight against tobacco by not taking tobacco money. Please continue to stand with health. Thank you again.
