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Tobacco Control: WHO Director-General Addresses History-Making Conference

Dr Margaret Chan Director-General of the World Health Organization Address to the Fifth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Seoul, Republic of Korea 12 November 2012 Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to address this fifth session of

What is the FCTC?

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the world’s first global public health treaty. It is also the first treaty negotiated under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and is one of the most widely adopted treaties in the United Nations system. The treaty entered into force

More Resources Needed to Decrease Tobacco Dependence Prevalence

In the decade since the adoption of the FCTC, we have seen significant progress in the area of tobacco control policies that have helped decrease smoking prevalence. We have also seen increased demand in cessation support, in the form of a short intervention by a health care provider, counselling, or